Verification of Clients

Using the Y-Cucumber App for the purpose of booking services.

Type(s) of service engagement:

  • Music education

  • Collaborative musician

  • Space booking

Users are required to answer a series of simple questionnaire for the platform to learn the client's preference(s) for better user experience. Please refer to the Definition in Questionnaire for a more accurate preference setting.

Clients seeking to engage music education service providers will be required to declare the preferences based on:

  • Music education category

  • Preferred learning mode

  • Expected level of difficulty

  • Focus of education

  • Principal study instrument(s), if applicable

Clients seeking to engage collaborative musicians will be required to declare the preference based on:

  • Type(s) of collaborative musician

  • Expected level of difficulty

  • Type(s) of ensemble

Clients are requried to declare preferences of seeking to book space(s) for:

  • Performance venue

  • Rehearsal space

  • Recording studio

Last updated