Verification of Service Providers

Using the Y-Cucumber App for the purpose of accepting bookings for service engagement.

Type(s) of service to be engaged:

  • Music education

  • Collaborative musician

  • Space booking

Users are required to answer a series of questionnaire for the purpose of KYB (Know your business) to maintain a healthy, sustainable and secure virtual environment within the Cucumber platform. Along with the questionnaire, service providers are also required to upload and submit relevant document(s) and/or media links as proof of validity for the approval of verification. (See Become a Service Provider)

For a more accurate description of the terms of service(s), please refer to Definition in Questionnaire for during the process of verification.

Users looking to be engaged as music education service providers will be required to declare the terms of service(s) based on:

  • Music education category

  • Preferred education mode

  • Preferred age categor(ies)

  • Education content level of difficulty

  • Focus(es) of education

  • Principal study instrument(s), if applicable

Users looking to be engaged as collaborative musicians will be required to declare the preference based on:

  • Type(s) of collaborative musician

  • Expected level of repertoire difficulty

  • Type(s) of role/ensemble

Users are required to declare the purpose and capacity of space(s) to be booked for:

  • Performance venue

  • Rehearsal space

  • Recording studio

Last updated